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2명의 노벨물리학상 수상자들과 테크니온 공대와의 관계

by 코리안랍비 2022. 10. 10.

Is there a connection between Nobel Prize winners and the Technion?

Two of the three Nobel Prize in Physics laureates for 2022

received honorary doctoral degrees from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Published: OCTOBER 8, 2022 19:56

The Computer Science Faculty building at Technion University in Haifa, Israel

Two of the three Nobel Prize in Physics laureates for 2022 received honorary doctoral degrees from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa in recent years. The two are Prof. Alan Aspect and Prof. Anton Zeilinger, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their breakthroughs in quantum mechanics. They are sharing the prestigious award with Prof. John Clauser of California. 

2022년 2명의 노벨물리학상 수상자 

하이파의 테크니온 공대와의 관계성을 논하는 기사

알란 에스펙트 교수와 안톤 젤링거 교수

Who are these Professors?

Zeilinger received the honorary degree at the Technion last summer as part of the events of its Board of Governors meeting. He was born in Austria in 1945. He is a professor and head of the Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Vienna, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and senior scientist at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 

The honorary degree from the Technion was awarded to him “in recognition of his enormous contribution to science and quantum technology; in appreciation of his dedicated activity to increase the number of young people engaged in this field; and in salute to his efforts; his recognition of science as a platform that enriches the human spirit; and in gratitude for his long-standing commitment to the integration of the Israeli academic community in the European community.”

젤링거 교수는 오스트리아 태생이며  스위스 비엔나 대학에서 물리학을 전공한 교수
2021년 테크니온으로부터 명예박사 수상
유럽에서 이스라엘과 유럽의 학회들과의 연합과 통합을 강조

Aspect was born in 1947 in France and is a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau that has since become part of the University of Paris-Saclay. He has won many awards, and in 2015, he was accepted as a foreign member of the Royal Society of Sciences of Great Britain.


에스펙트는 프랑스 출신으로서 에콜 폴리테크에서 물리학을 전공

영국왕립학회의 외국회원

He was awarded his honorary doctorate from the Technion at the Board of Governor's events in 2011 "for his great contribution and his impressive scientific achievements in the fields of quantum mechanics and quantum optics; in gratitude for the generations of his students who will continue to advance the development of technologies that change the face of the world; in great appreciation for His leadership in the science community; and in recognition of his friendship and support for the Technion and the State of Israel.” 


2011년에는 테크니온에서 명예박사 학위를 수여받음

퀀텀 기계공학과 퀀텀 광학의 최고 권위자중에 하나

유대인 과학자

Artificial intelligence (credit: PIXABAY/WIKIMEDIA)

The three new Nobel laureates presented experimental evidence for the existence of the quantum-entanglement phenomenon. Entanglement is a special relationship between particles. When two or more particles are intertwined, manipulation of one particle will simultaneously affect another particle that is at a great distance from it and this is without physical interaction and without the transfer of information; Therefore, Albert Einstein claimed at the time that it is a “spooky action at a distance.”

It was Aspect who showed that interweaving is an existing phenomenon; Zeilinger added to this the unique phenomenon of quantum teleportation – the transfer of a quantum state from a given particle to another particle. 

Here, too, there are important connections to the Technion: The entanglement phenomenon was first presented by Einstein, Russian-American physics Prof. Boris Podolsky (born to a Jewish family) and American-Israeli physics Prof. Nathan Rosen, who was one of the founders of the Technion’s Physics Faculty; the idea of ​​teleportation was proposed by six scientists, including the late Prof. Asher Peres, also one of the founders of the Technion’s Physics Faculty.


테크니온 공대의 설립을 주도한 사람들은 물리학자들이었다. 

제일 먼저 아인슈타인이 있다. 아인슈타인은 히브리대, 텔아비브대의 설립을 주도하였고, 

하이파의 테크니온 공대의 설립에도 참여하였다. 그가 이스라엘에 미친 공로는 지대하다고 할 수 있다. 

Tags Haifa technion paris nobel prize nobel prizes israel vienna professor
