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노벨상과 그 탄생의 원리 - 인간성(인성)의 가치가 최우선

by 코리안랍비 2022. 10. 10.


Nobel Prizes and principles: We must always remember our humanity - opinion

What could we have had if the Holocaust never happened?



Published: OCTOBER 8, 2022 15:34
노벨상의 앞면 - 뒷면에는 자연의 여신과 과학의 여신이 있다. 네추라와 사이언티아
Nobel prize
(photo credit: FLICKR)


It’s that time of year again when Nobel Prize laureates are being announced. While you may argue the questionable merits of some of its recipients, it is undeniable that Nobel Prizes represent pinnacles of human achievement and contribution to the welfare of our species. The vast majority on this role of honor have striven to further humankind’s development and quality of life and without them, the world would be much poorer.

노벨상은 인간의 위대한 성취와 노력의 산물이다. 그것도 인류사회를 향한 인류공영에 이바지 할 때 수여된다. 


Of the 975 recipients to date, approximately 210 of them are Jews or people of half- or three-quarters Jewish ancestry. That is more than one in every five, which is beyond astonishing, given that only one in every 500 people in the world is Jewish.


Among these esteemed Jews, there are 11 Holocaust survivors, who majestically found the fortitude to rise from the ashes and advance the welfare of mankind, which had failed them so fundamentally. These include the 1966 Literature laureate Nelly Sachs, and 1986 Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel, who survived the horrors of Auschwitz.

노벨상 수상자중에 유대인들이 많은 데 이 수상자들중에 홀로코스트(유대인 대박해)의 생존자가 놀랍게도 8명이나 들어 있다.  그 중에 1986년 노벨평화상을 받은 엘리 위젤도 있다. 

Martin Karplus who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry alongside Israeli-Americans Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel, laid the foundation for the computer programs used to understand and predict chemical processes which have become crucial for most advances made in chemistry today. Another 2013 winner was Francois Englert, who shared the Physics prize with Peter Higgs for their seminal theory of how particles acquire mass. Their theory was confirmed by the 2012 discovery of the Higgs particle, more commonly known as the “God particle.” Englert was born in Brussels in 1932. He survived by concealing his identity and being sheltered in a series of orphanages.


[신의 입자]라 불리우는 힉스 입자를 발견한 피터 힉스도 유대인이다.


Can you imagine if these great people had been among the vast majority of European Jews who did not survive the Second World War? This begs the thought as to how much better the world would have been if the Holocaust had not happened at all.

Holocaust memorial in Berlin, Germany. (credit: Wikimedia Commons) 베를린에 있는 홀로코스트 기념관이다. 

What could we have had if the Holocaust never happened?

홀로코스트가 일어나지 않았다면 어떻게 유대인들이 많은 노벨상을 수상할까?


Among its victims may have been someone who would have discovered the cure for brain cancer, developed an airplane that would fly by wind power alone or invented a water-free system for growing crops in drought-stricken Africa. It is feasible that there was a Jewish Mandela among them, a novelist combining the skills of Hemingway and Murakami and an economist capable of developing a system incorporating only the positive aspects of socialism and capitalism, thus creating prosperity and equality for all. Thousands of great, great minds lost to humanity would undoubtedly have advanced the quality of our lives beyond imagination. How much have we all, every species on the planet, sacrificed because of this and other horrific catastrophes that the human race has inflicted upon itself.

FORGETTING BASIC human traits such as humanity, morality and ethics, the Nazi barbarians and their accomplices in their blind hatred could not contemplate the self-serving thought that they may be killing the potential curer of the diseases of their children and grandchildren.

It is astounding that the nation which has suffered the most at the hands of their fellow human beings are the people which pro rata has contributed the most to its advancement.


Of course, excellence in various fields of endeavor are not limited to specific nations, cultures, religions or ethnicities; but whether one likes it or not, for a multitude of reasons, different groupings do “punch beyond the weight.”

For example, we marvel at the artwork of the great Western European masters, while Western architects are inspired by the intricacy of Far Eastern design. East African and Caribbean track athletes thrill us with their prolific prowess. Many flock to India to learn mysticism from the masters and rely on the Nepalese to guide them up the mountains otherwise inaccessible to us. Each culture brings its unique thread to the tapestry of humankind.

Quiet has not come just yet

Yet humankind continues to kill. Perhaps we have lost a child victim in the Ukraine who possessed the greatest musical mind since Mozart, or a future marathon world record holder, gunned down in Khartoum. Could one of the thousands of children killed in the Iran-Iraq War have been the modern Omar Khayyám? For all one knows, a youthful modern-day Confucius may have happened upon Tiananmen Square in June 1989.

It was Confucius who 2,500 years ago said, “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” Almost exactly the same sentiment was echoed five hundred years later by the great Jewish sage Hillel who advised, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.” Many religions and philosophies have very similar mantras, which indicates a cross-cultural commonality of morality. This may not be as profound, proactive and far-reaching as say, “Love your fellow human as yourself” (my free translation of Leviticus [Vayikra] 19:18), but if all people applied it, that would be a wonderful start. 

공자의 어록이 여기에도 등장한다. 

레위기 19장 18절 살펴보기


“What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.”

Jewish sage Hillel

너가 싫어하는 일을 남에게 시키지 말라. 이것이 유대교의 본질이고 나머지는 주석에 불과하다. 
랍비 힐렐의 언명을 깊이 따르는 유대인들

Can we contemplate a utopian day when would-be despots and desperadoes finally understand the encompassing benefit of benevolence? Our hope lies in the example of Alfred Nobel himself, the inventor of dynamite who established 90 armaments factories in his lifetime. Finally understanding the destructive effect of his life’s work, he turned his thoughts to the welfare of humanity and used his fortune to institute those noble eponymous prizes.

Perhaps someday, an exceptional individual, born in a conflict-free zone, will cultivate and multiply the “humane gene” that exists within us all. That seminal breakthrough would lead the way to peace on Earth and well-being for all humanity. And its author would surely be worthy of a Nobel Prize.

The writer is the author of The Prayer for the Preservation of the Environment.

Tags Holocaust europe nobel prize antisemitism 홀로코스트 유럽 노벨상, 반유대주의, 반셈족주의
